Poster exhibition at the ECNDT in Lisbon

Since July 3, 2023 Andreas Bodi represents SONOTEC GmbH in Lisbon at the European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (#ECNDT), the leading exhibition for NDT in Europe.
Already on Monday and Tuesday there were some highlights:
- Opening ceremony and getting to know the participants
- Presentation by Dr. Ralf Steinhausen (FZ-U) on “Online quality monitoring in the production of organo sheets by air-coupled ultrasonic testing”
- Poster evening with exhibition of our poster on “New technologies for air-coupled ultrasonic inspection”
- Further exciting presentations
Until July 7, 2023 you can still speak Andreas in person and have questions answered about the poster or the services of the Nondestructive Ultrasonic Testing by SONOTEC division.