Ultrasonic Flow Meter for Flexible and Rigid Plastic Tubing

Non-Contact Liquid Flow Measurement

Ultrasonic flow meters of the SONOFLOW and SEMIFLOW series are designed for effective non-contact flow rate measurement on flexible and rigid plastic tubes. They reliably measure the flow velocity and calculate real time flow rates of the liquids. Switching outputs on the flow meters allow switching on or off external devices such as pumps or valves.

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For Ultra-Low Flows: Inline Liquid Flow Meter

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Non-Contact Liquid Flow Measurement with Ultrasonic Flow Meters

The ultrasonic flow sensors are used for flow measurement in liquid-filled tubes, they do not measure gas. With their contactless architecture and robust design, the clamp-on flow meters promise a very long lifetime and support corporate sustainability policies; at the same time they provide a low cost of ownership. Their compact housing with integrated electronics offer a small footprint, making SONOFLOW and SEMIFLOW sensors easy to integrate into existing process chains and architectures.

The non-contact sensor solutions are available in different sizes perfectly suitable for flexible and hard plastic tubes and pipes of a wide range of tube diameters. The advantageous ultrasonic flow meters incorporate the transit-time method by measuring the time of flight of the ultrasonic wave with and against the liquid’s flow direction.

Which Kind of Flow Meter to Use?

More Information about Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Product Overview

All Products for Non-Invasive Fluid Monitoring


Application Areas of Ultrasonic Flow Meters


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Receiver: sensors@sonotec.de

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Feel free to contact us! We will be happy to help you.

Stefanie Schmidt

Sales Assistant
+49 345 13317-845