Jörg Becher, Stockert

"I would like to thank you for the usual great cooperation with you and your company and the excellent quality of the air bubble sensor deliveries. I am looking forward to our further cooperation, also on behalf of all employees who work with your product."

Stockert Logo

Richard Whiley, Fluid Biosolutions

"We at FBS have been busy testing and demonstrating the new SONOFLOW CO.55 V3.0 sensors - great accuracy, particularly at low flow rates, which have traditionally been a challenge for non-invasive flow sensors. Nice work SONOTEC!"

Fluid Biosolutions Logo

Jeff Poland, Century HLM

"We started with SONOTEC's ABD05 series sensor. After our research and interview process SONOTEC had the only sensor capable of meeting 60601 3rd edition specifications for a fail-safe free hanging non-intrusive arterial line air detector sensor. The sensor is capable of seeing any significant air bubbles and with their patented algorithm that adjusts to tubing conditions makes the sensor very accurate, reducing false alarms that can be annoying and disruptive to clinical operators. 

I look forward to working with SONOTEC on our next sensor project to include flow sensing as well as air detection in the same sensor."

Century HLM Logo

Jochen Hübner, Herrmann Apparatebau

"When searching for a suitable sensor our engineers came across SONOTEC. We chose the air bubble detector ABD06 of the SONOCHECK-series – in a customized version. The small size and the approved safety functions were the main reasons that spoke for the sensor, as well as the flexibility due to the individual set of parameters and, of course, the original function of the detector."

Herrmann Apparatebau Logo

More Information about Ultrasonic & Bubble Sensors

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All Products for Non-Invasive Fluid Monitoring


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Receiver: sensors@sonotec.de

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us! We will be happy to help you.

Stefanie Schmidt

Sales Assistant
+49 345 13317-845