FAQ-L.5: What does the leakage rate unit mbar l/s mean and how can it be converted into other units?
If, in a volume of 1 liter, the gas pressure drops by 1 mbar within 1 s, this corresponds to a leakage rate (outflow of gas) of 1 mbar l/s. The unit mbar l/s is relatively difficult to imagine, but is typically used alongside units such as Pa m m³/s, Torr l/s or atm cc/s in the vacuum applications.
The indication becomes more understandable if the loss quantity is indicated in other units. For example, units such as g/a or oz/y are used in air conditioning technology. For the indication of leakage losses in compressed air systems, the unit l/min has prevailed.
Examples of unit conversion (at Δp = 1,013.25 mbar, 273.15K or 0°C, medium air):
10⁰ mbar l/s | ≙ 1 mbar l/s |
10⁻² mbar l/s | ≙ 0,01 mbar l/s ≙ 10⁻³ Pa m³/s ≙ 6*10⁻¹ ml/min ≙ 6*10⁻⁴ l/min ≙ 4,3*10⁻⁵ kg/h ≙ 3,75*10⁺² g/a |
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