Ultrasonic Testing Devices
For Preventive Maintenance
In the age of Industry 4.0, optimizing processes, increasing operational reliability and improving energy efficiency are becoming more important than ever. Ultrasound technology is the method of choice here - whether for detecting leaks, predicting faults and defects in rotating components or for electrical inspections.
With our compact ultrasonic testing device SONAPHONE® Pocket, you can easily detect leakages in compressed air systems, monitor the condition of machines, inspect electrical systems for partial discharges and test the tightness of seals on windows, vehicles, containers and more. If you additionally want to record and document your findings, our digital ultrasonic testing device SONAPHONE® with its accompanying, tailored web and app concept is the ideal solution for your needs. Master the challenges of Maintenance 4.0 with our ultrasonic detection devices from the SONAPHONE® product range and bring your maintenance strategy to the next level!
Advantages at a Glance
Compared to other technologies, ultrasonic testing devices allow the earliest possible detection of damages, long before they result in a downtime or system failure. Defects such as gas leaks, worn bearings or partial discharges most often generate ultrasonic sounds that are inaudible to humans. For example, small leaks create turbulences that are not audible before they get bigger, and a bearing's frequency changes before it cracks. Simply put, your equipment is talking to you long before failing, but you cannot hear it. This is where our SONAPHONE devices come to your help: They detect the ultrasonic sound emissions of leaks, failing bearings or partial electrical discharges and let you hear them, so that you can identify and repair the concerned components. Thus, implementing a preventive maintenance strategy using ultrasound gives you time to order needed parts, plan and execute repairs without being surprised by unexpected downtimes or costly system inefficiencies.
The use of ultrasound in preventive maintenance delivers reliable results even in the presence of industrial noise. Our ultrasonic detectors operate in the frequency range above 20 kHz, which is beyond the range of human hearing. In noisy industrial environments, this frequency range is less affected by typical industrial background noise, as most industrial noise is in the low-frequency range below 20 kHz. So what for humans is loud industrial noise does not impact our devices.
The earliest sound signals generated by defects are in the ultrasonic range - our sensors are designed precisely for these frequencies. Many ultrasonic measurements, for example in the field of bearing inspection, are also carried out by direct physical contact with the object to be examined, which further minimizes the influence of surrounding noise.
Use of Ultrasound in Preventive Maintenance
In industry, a preventive maintenance strategy is crucial for trouble-free and efficient operations. Our ultrasonic testing devices from the SONAPHONE® product range help to detect potential problem areas at an early stage by making sound emissions in the ultrasonic range audible, thus avoiding costly machine downtimes and system failures.
One of the main advantages of using ultrasound technology in preventive maintenance is the early detection of defective areas. With our SONAPHONE devices, you can detect leaks in compressed air, gas and vacuum systems and thus reduce your energy costs, analyze the condition of your machines and systems and determine the optimum time for maintenance, detect leaks in windows, doors, vehicles and components and ensure specified quality requirements, detect partial discharges and increase your operational safety, and check the function of steam traps and valves to prevent energy and water losses as well as damage to the steam and condensate system.
The early detection made possible by our devices is crucial for eliminating problems before they develop into major failures or safety risks.
In addition, our SONAPHONE family of ultrasonic inspection devices offer a non-invasive way to monitor equipment and provide real-time information that allows maintenance teams to diagnose defects immediately without interrupting ongoing operation. The devices are user-friendly and handheld, enabling fast and efficient inspections. Moreover, various airborne and structure-borne sound sensors are available for the wide range of applications, making SONAPHONE devices versatile tools for a successful maintenance strategy. The SONAPHONE Web & App concept also features four intuitive apps tailored to specific preventive maintenance applications. In this way, process-related documentation from planning, inspection and recording to evaluation can be carried out directly on the device via touchscreen and relevant information can thus be bundled.
The use of ultrasonic technology as part of preventive maintenance improves the reliability and efficiency of systems. Our SONAPHONE range of devices provide a clear and immediate picture of the condition of the equipment, helping maintenance professionals to make informed decisions, reduce downtime and ultimately save costs.
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact us! We will be happy to help you.